In web development not everything will get as you want even if you see that you can do that but the important things is to keep working on that things until you find the solution don't quit please don't.
Other things you need to do every day as you want to success your day: Always Schedule Your TasksThis is a good things which will help u stay motivated on what you want to do. You know If you don't schedule your daily tasks, it's much easier to procrastinate and forget about them. It's easy to become engrossed in just one or few tasks and lose sight of the fact that there are other things you need to do. Often, this happens when you don't follow a set task list. so do this everyday.
keep learning new things and be proud of yourself just feel that, feel that you can do that you know if you commit to do the things success people do, you will lead a life of success and happyness Just live this 5 principles will help you live a success life as a developper:
1. There is nothing you can't have or achieve in life if you're willing to work for it, what you can have is up to You just work hard and be someone you decide to be success people focus on what they Can do.
2. Never stop learning and working on yourself know that you're Self made Feed your mind with strength everyday,always rising to a new level of consciousness
3. If you can dream it, you can do it Walt just keep working.
4. Sow a thought, you will reap an act, sow an act, you will reap a habit, sow a habit, you will reap a character. sow a character you will reap a destiny.
5. Perform each act of your life as if it were to be the last, just work as if toomorrow you will be die and don't be afraid to move slowly.Be afraid to stand still.